Ormit Solutions Ltd

Cisco Meraki Reception Lobby Ambassador

Reception / Lobby Ambassador

Splash Access’ NEW PRODUCT, the Reception / Lobby Ambassador, is a straight forward easy to use system in which the receptionist has complete control over how the guest is granted access to the network.

How does it work?

When a user enters a reception/lobby area the receptionist inputs the users data. The data is then transferred through the system and the relevant WiFi details are sent via the method the receptionist feels best appropriate for the user: SMS, Email or Print.

New Products, New Features

All SplashAccess products have multiple features and with Reception/ Lobby Ambassador we have developed a few NEW FEATURES.
  • Domain Blacklisting gives reception/ admin greater control by allowing them to control users they allow through the system e.g business accounts only. This can also help to reduce spam.
  • Another new feature is the WPA2 secure option, this ensures users have top security when accessing the networks.
For more information on the Splash Access Reception/ Lobby Ambassador Account and to find out more about its features check out Reception PRO Managed